Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's crunch time! 16 Days Left!

I can't believe that graduation is like, two and half weeks away. I got my book printed and I still feel like I have a ton of stuff to do! Trying to sell a condo while trying to graduate is no picnic either, living in essentially a show home is not fun! I'm almost done with my website! Yay! I will have it up and running by friday and I'll post a link on here so it's easy to find. 

In other news! My little man is 18 months old already! I can't believe how time flies! He got his first "big boy" hair cut over Thanksgiving Break. Grandma cried enough for the both of us! I'll post some photos that my parents are using for Christmas Cards this year. So actually some of you might get one in the mail!

Well, back to work! I have to get my mail pieces done and get everything signed off so I can graduate!